Crime Victims Legal Assistance Project (CVLAP)

The Crime Victims Legal Assistance Project (CVLAP) -Elder Justice Initiative provides free civil legal assistance to vulnerable adults and adults ages 60+ in Michigan who have experienced or are at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. CVLAP assists clients with a wide range of issues, from threats to safety to financial scams. Clients do not need to report a crime or contact law enforcement to receive help. CVLAP’s goal is to ensure safety, protect assets, and preserve older adults' and vulnerable adults’ quality of life, rights, and dignity. 

With funding from the Victims of Crime Act, MEJI helped create and develop the CVLAP program. We are proud to continue to work in close collaboration with CVLAP staff across the state and to advocate on behalf of victims of elder and vulnerable adult abuse. With our CVLAP colleagues, we have been actively involved in the Attorney General’s Elder Abuse Task Force; we train all new Adult Protective Services staff;  we make presentations at local, state, and national conferences; and we advocate for policies that protect and empower older and vulnerable adults.