MI Health Link Advocate's Guide (pdf)

The Advocate's Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the MI Health Link (MHL) program. The guide is designed to assist advocates and others to understand and navigate MHL, including specific information on enrollment/disenrollment, continuity of care, and appeals and grievances.

The Guide will be continually updated, and the most up-to-date version will always be posted on this website. If you are using a printed copy of the Guide, it may be outdated. Please check this site to confirm that you are using the most recent version. Each page of the Guide has a version number at the top, and there is also a log of revisions at the beginning of the Guide that identifies what changes have been made.

If you have any feedback on the Guide, please let us know! You can contact dwojciak@meji.org with any comments, suggestions, or requests, or if you notice any errors in the Guide.

Revision Log

Version 1.9 (January 2018): Revised health plan sections with up-to-date materials for 2018. More material will be added as updates are made available.